Angioplasty and Stenting
Pain Free Walking
Arteries are the channels that carry blood to the various parts of the body. There can be build up of plaque material inside the arteries which can cause narrowing and blockage causing reduction of blood supply. When it affects leg arteries, it can result in difficulty in walking (claudication) or poor healing of any wounds in toes or feet.
These narrowings are conventionally treated with surgical bypass. However, a bypass may not be suitable for all patients. Arterial angioplasty and stenting are minimally invasive alternative procedures done to improve blood supply to the legs.
Why do I need an Angioplasty or Stenting?
You would have had investigations of your arteries by means of a Doppler, CT or MRI scan of your arteries. The clinical findings and the scans have found that you have a narrowing in one or more arteries. An angioplasty/ stent procedure has been recommended to address this problem.
What is an Angioplasty?
An angioplasty is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anaesthetic to open up the narrowed section in your artery. A fine plastic tube (catheter) is inserted through a blockage in an artery and a small balloon on the catheter is then inflated pushing the blockage against the wall of the blood vessel. This procedure improves blood flow which helps to relieve any symptoms you are experiencing.
What is a stent?
A stent insertion involves deployment of a metallic tube inside the artery which works as a scaffolding helping to keep the artery open. The stent is deployed in a similar way to carrying out angioplasty through the groin artery.

Normal Anatomy

Arterial Plaque Causing Narrowing

Balloon Angioplasty