NN Medical Services
Superior Service
Dr Nimit Goyal has extensive experience of diagnostic and intervention radiology in the NHS.
NN Medical Services brings this experience to private setup in South Wales.
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Diagnostic and Intervention Radiology
What is Diagnostic Radiology?
Doctors often need to see inside a human body to diagnose a patient’s condition. Diagnostic radiology is group of methods that utilise non-invasive techniques to identify and monitor certain diseases. In all forms of medical care, diagnostic radiology plays an integral part in the diagnosis of disease or injury. The examinations sometimes use radiation to create detailed anatomical images of the body parts. These radiation levels are always lower than the levels that have been determined to be safe.
Examples of diagnostic radiology include:
- Radiography (X-rays)
- Ultrasound
- Computed Tomography (CT) Scans
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scans
- Nuclear Medicine Scans

Diagnostic radiology can be used to identify a wide range of problems. Broken bones, heart conditions, blood clots, and gastrointestinal conditions are just a few of the problems that can be identified by diagnostic imaging.
In addition to identifying problems, doctors can use diagnostic radiology to monitor how your body is responding to a current treatment e.g in cancer patients imaging helps to assess response to a particular therapy.
Diagnostic radiology can also screen for diseases such as breast cancer and colon cancer. This screening can provide reassurance if no abnormality is detected or help pick up an abnormality at a very early stage so that complete treatment may be possible.
What is Interventional Radiology?
Interventional Radiology or simply IR refers to a range of techniques which use radiological image guidance (X-ray fluoroscopy, ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging) to precisely target therapy. Most IR treatments are minimally invasive alternatives to open and laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery. As many IR procedures start with passing a needle through the skin to the target it is sometimes called pinhole surgery

Who is an interventional radiologist?
Interventional radiologists like Dr Nimit Goyal are specially trained doctors who have special skills in diagnostic image interpretation and the manipulation of needles and the use of fine catheter tubes and wires to navigate around the body under imaging control. Interventional radiologists possess a unique combination of skills as they are trained in radiology and interventional therapy.
What are the advantages of interventional radiology?
Well recognised advantages of these minimally invasive techniques include reduced risks, shorter hospital stays, lower costs, greater comfort, quicker recovery and return to work. The effectiveness of treatment is often be better than with traditional treatments. There is hardly any area of hospital medicine where IR has not had some impact on patient management.
What conditions are treated by interventional radiology?
Continuing advances in technology mean the range of conditions that can be treated by interventional radiology is continuing to expand. It is important to recognise that the interventional treatment is usually one of several treatment options available ranging from nothing, through drug treatment and up to surgery. IR often provides the least invasive treatment option, however, each case should be considered on its own merits and you can discuss your case in detail in a consultation with Dr Goyal.